Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Here goes nothing. My first real blog jont. My mama always said i should combine music and writing. So for lack of a better send-off (break a bottle of sovetskii champagne on the bow), the exploration awaits, let the adventure begin.

At this moment in time, this is just for me. I am happy to share with you as it comes along. I'll try and maintain a sort-of closed online virtual-editing room where i can develop ideas through the collection and organization of various clippings, thoughts, etc.

Currently i am typing this using writeroom. The entire 15-inch screen of my MacBook Pro is blacked out and i am typing from a bluetooth keyboard a few feet away from the monitor. I also have a wireless usb mouse nearby. I have the scale at 200% and the type color set to a warm-orange against a pitch-black background. It's pretty nice. This allows me to type comfortably and free from distraction. I've also installed some interesting add-ons for firefox. The first and most important one is stumbleupon.

I created a profile and installed the add-on several months ago. Since then my online experience has never been more enjoyable. I always knew all this great content was out there. I just didn't know how to find it. Now all i do is click the stumble button and it finds it for me. A great, yet addictive way to pass time, stumbling is a great way to find new content on the internet according to your interests when you find yourself, as many of us do nowadays, in front of a computer screen with a moment to spare.

Through the use of tagging pages, "i like it," or "i don't like it" you create a personalized history of various places across the web that caught your interest for whatever reason. I've personally found much of the scope of the internet to be a secret language that i was not inclined to learn. Now many of my interests have found a place to sprout thanks to tagging random stumbles.

I feel ready to start exploring the blog format as a place to explore, discuss and creatively develop ideas and content. I'm guessing that as the exploration continues branches will grow pursuing more specific themes thoroughly. Explore the world around us through virtual-reality. As a way to enrich our lives and illuminate our presence, as in the global community.

We are all a part of it already. I feel committed to my role. To express myself and explore with others. To pursue these passions. To continue to grow as a person in knowledge and spirit. There are so many resources out there available to us. I want to be up-to-the-time. It has begun.

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